Product description
MCI®-2005 NS (normal set) is a water-based, organic, corrosion inhibiting admixture for protection of metallic reinforcement in concrete structures. When incorporated into concrete, MCI®-2005 NS forms a protective, monomolecular layer on embedded metals that inhibits corrosion. In new construction, this is quantified by an increase in critical chloride threshold and subsequent reduction in corrosion rates when corrosion does initiate. When used with repair mortars and grouts, MCI®-2005 NS not only protects rebar within the patch, it is able to migrate into undisturbed concrete adjacent to the repair, to protect reinforcement already in place.
How It Works - MCI®-2005 NS is an organic corrosion inhibitor and is considered ambiodic (mixed), meaning it protects both anodic and cathodic areas within a corrosion cell. MCI®-2005 NS contains a blend of amine salts of carboxylic acids which form a protective layer on embedded reinforcement delaying the onset of corrosion as well as reducing existing corrosion rates. MCI®-2005 NS is effective at enhancing the durability and extending the service life of concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation, chlorides, and atmospheric attack).
Where to Use - Reinforced concrete including precast, pre-stressed, and post-tensioned structures • Corrosive environments including exposure to deicing salts, saline groundwater, airborne chlorides, and carbonation • Marine and coastal structures, highways and bridges, parking decks, balconies, pools, concrete tanks, pilings, substructures, piers, pillars, pipes, and utility poles
Advantages - Biobased (27%) • Earns credit towards LEED certification • Lower toxicity and environmental impact than traditional corrosion inhibiting admixtures such as calcium nitrite • Low dosage rate with minimal effect on concrete properties (i.e. workability, strength development, air entrainment, etc.) • Ability to migrate through porous substrates (concrete, masonry, limestone, etc.) by capillary action, vapor diffusion and ionic attraction • Meets all requirements of ASTM C1582 • Certified to meet ANSI/NSF Standard 61 for use on structures holding potable water • Field and lab tested worldwide • Complies with CSA S413, Section C1.2, for corrosion inhibiting • Single dosage rate independent of expected exposure to chlorides (1.5 pts/yd3) •Made in USA
Case Histories - Local Projects utilizing Cortec® MCI®-2005NS
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Product Description
MCI®-2020 is a surface applied, migrating corrosion inhibitor designed to penetrate through cementitious materials including concrete, mortar, and limestone. MCI®-2020 migrates in both liquid and vapor (gas) phases through the pore structure, forming a protective, molecular layer on embedded reinforcement. MCI®-2020 provides corrosion protection against carbonation, chlorides, and other contaminants. MCI®-2020 V/O is a high viscosity version of MCI®-2020 which is specifically designed for vertical and overhead applications.
How it works - MCI®-2020/MCI®-2020 V/O are organic corrosion inhibitors. They are considered ambiodic (mixed) inhibitors which means they protect both anodic and cathodic areas within a corrosion cell. MCI®-2020/MCI®-2020 V/O contain a synergistic blend of amino-alcohols and salts of carboxylic acids which form a protective layer on embedded reinforcement delaying the onset of corrosion as well as reducing existing corrosion rates.
Where to Use - Preventative maintenance of existing reinforced, precast, prestressed, post- tensioned or marine industrial floors exposed to aggressive environments (chemicals, deicing salts, carbonation, atmospheric attack) • Parking garages • Concrete piers, dams, offshore platforms, piles, pillars, pipes, utility poles, and cooling towers • Concrete potable water structures
Advantages - MCI-2020/MCI-2020 V/O offer engineers, owners, contractors, DOTs, and other government agencies a time proven, corrosion inhibiting technology that will extend the service life of their reinforced concrete structures.• Protects against corrosion caused by carbonation, chlorides, and other aggressive contaminants • Effectively reduces corrosion rates on metals with existing corrosion • Water based and non-flammable •ANSI/NSF Standard 61 Approval for structures containing potable water • Does not etch, stain, discolor, or otherwise harm glass, metals, or automotive paint • Does not contain calcium nitrite • Does not contain wax • Does not require removal of sound concrete • Allows vapor diffusion (not a vapor barrier) • Easily applied by spray, brush, or roller • Minimal curing time, traffic may resume minutes after application if necessary (dry to touch) • Migrates independent of orientation (horizontal, vertical, overhead) • Migrates up to 3 inches in 30 days • Proven performance in both lab and field testing • MCI-2020 V/O available for vertical and overhead surfaces • Made in USA
Case Histories - Local Projects utilizing Cortec® MCI®-2020
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Product Description
MCI Mini Grenades® consist of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®) packaged in water-soluble PVA bags and very convenient to use.
MCI Mini Grenades® are ideal for repair mortars-one Mini Grenade protects 0.4-0.6 ft3 (0.015 m3). The grenade dissolves easily when in contact with water in the concrete mix. During mixing th
Product Description
MCI Mini Grenades® consist of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®) packaged in water-soluble PVA bags and very convenient to use.
MCI Mini Grenades® are ideal for repair mortars-one Mini Grenade protects 0.4-0.6 ft3 (0.015 m3). The grenade dissolves easily when in contact with water in the concrete mix. During mixing the bag will completely dissolve and the MCI compounds will begin to disperse into the mix. The MCIs protect reinforcing steel, galvanized steel, and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by carbonation, chloride, and atmospheric attack. When incorporated into the concrete mix the MCIs form a corrosion inhibiting protective layer on metals. When used with repair mortars and grouts, MCIs will migrate toward the rebars providing effective corrosion protection.
Where to Use
MCI Mini Grenades® are recommended for:
• All reinforced, precast, prestressed, post- tensioned, or marine concrete structures
• Steel-reinforced concrete bridges, highways, and streets exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation, deicing salts, and atmospheric attack) • Parking decks, ramps, and garages • Concrete piers, piles, pillars, pipes, and utility poles • Restoration and repair of all reinforced concrete commercial and civil engineered structures
• Offers engineers, owners, contractors, DOTs, and government agencies a time proven corrosion inhibiting technology that will extend the life of reinforced concrete structures • Protects against the harmful effects of corrosion even in the densest concrete • Does not affect air entrainment, compressive strength, or the set time of concrete mix • Required dosage is not affected by chloride concentration • Does not contain calcium nitrite • Non-flammable and environmentally friendly • Lab and field tested • Concentrated for cost effectiveness on all projects • Will migrate to adjacent areas to protect surrounding metals • Cortec logo on each bag ensures MCI® inhibitor is inside.
How to Use - Tips for best results
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Product Description
CorrVerter® MCI® is a single component, fast drying, water-based primer that converts rusted surfaces to a passive layer. It provides long term corrosion protection by itself or by top coating for extended performance. CorrVerter® is recommended for application to rusty or poorly prepared steel surfaces where further co
Product Description
CorrVerter® MCI® is a single component, fast drying, water-based primer that converts rusted surfaces to a passive layer. It provides long term corrosion protection by itself or by top coating for extended performance. CorrVerter® is recommended for application to rusty or poorly prepared steel surfaces where further corrosion protection is required and good surface preparation is difficult to achieve. CorrVerter® is formulated to penetrate and eliminate rust as well as to protect bare metal to stop further rusting.
How It Works
CorrVerter® contains a unique formulation of chelating agents combined with a high solids waterborne latex with extremely low water vapor permeability. The combination of these materials modifies the surface rust into a hydrophobic passive layer, offering a unique formulation primer with excellent protection against rerusting.
CorrVerter® MCI® does not contain tannic or phosphoric acids, provides long-term corrosion protection for poorly prepared substrates, and can be topcoated with solvent-based and water-based paints with no bleeding.
CorrVerter® Bond Strength Test
CorrVerter® MCI® offers engineers, owners, contractors, DOT’s, and other government agencies a convenient, low-labor option when performing repairs on heavily corroded rebar and other metal surfaces.
• Coated rebar has equal or better bond strength to concrete • Converts rust quickly and can be applied under varying weather conditions • Can be topcoated with water or solvent-based topcoats (tannic and phosphoric acid converters can only be topcoated with solvent-based topcoats)
• Better protection against re-rusting than tannic or phosphoric acid-based converters
• Works in HCl, H2S, SO2, and CO2 vapor environments • Water based and non-flammable, non-combustible
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Product Description
Cortec MCI®-309 is a Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor powder for corrosion protection of ferrous metals in recessed areas, interior cavities, and voids. MCI®-309 provides an extremely efficient dry method to protect metals within an enclosed space. The MCI® vaporizes and adsorbs on the metal surfaces, reaching all expos
Product Description
Cortec MCI®-309 is a Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor powder for corrosion protection of ferrous metals in recessed areas, interior cavities, and voids. MCI®-309 provides an extremely efficient dry method to protect metals within an enclosed space. The MCI® vaporizes and adsorbs on the metal surfaces, reaching all exposed areas, including recessed sections and interior cavities. It is a mixed inhibitor that provides protection to both the cathodic and anodic sites of metal.
• Does not affect physical properties of concrete or grout
• Is safe for high tensile strength steel • Does not contain silicates, phosphates, nitrites, or heavy metals • Provides up to 24 months of continuous protection • Provides monomolecular inhibiting layer • Vapor phase inhibiting action protects inaccessible and recessed surfaces • Protected surfaces do not have to be cleaned prior to concrete or grout placement • If MCI® layer is disturbed by moisture or opening the enclosed space, the layer is replenished by continuous vapor redeposition • Little or no surface preparation is required • Prevents further corrosion of pre-coated and painted surfaces • Easy to apply • MCI® layer does not need to be removed prior to processing or use • Powder can be removed by air gun or water • Provides protection to ferrous metals and aluminum
• Prestressed tendons • Segmental concrete bridges tendons • Post tensioned Box Girder Bridges • Tubular structures, pipes, and vessels • Equipment protection after hydrostatic testing • Parts, components, and completed assemblies during shipping and storage
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Cortec MCI® organic molecules protect both anodic and cathodic areas within a corrosion cell
Next Generation Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors MCI - available at all batch plants in Hawaii
How Cortec MCI protect steel from corrosion
Application of Cortec MCI ®- 309 Powder to protect cables